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Tuesday 8 January 2013

Frame your world by the Word of God

A message to you from Mike Connell:
"How will you approach this year: with an attitude of faith, to shape it the way God has put in your heart, or will you just wait to see what comes?
"Will you frame your world, your life this year by the Word of God, or will you let circumstances and opinions and events of the world shape what you have and experience?
"Framing your world by the Word of God means to take what God says and speak it into being.
"Faith, hope and expectation are all specific. Faith is proactive, assertive, tangible, and takes initiative. It is never passive or reactive or vague.

"Biblical faith is when you rise up - out of intimacy with God - to believe and extend His kingdom in some way, in your life.

"The Holy Spirit doesn't rest on turmoil and conflict or attitudes of bitterness. If you learn to speak, you can change what's in your heart.

What is the Holy Spirit talking to me about? What does the Bible say? What are the possibilities? Where in my life do I need to establish faith?

Click here to listen to the full message on audio and start following some very simple keys to framing YOUR world J

Frame your world by the Word of God - Sunday 06 January 2013, at Bay City Outreach Centre, Hastings

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