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Wednesday 26 December 2012

A Child is born

A message to you from Lyn Atkinson:
"Let's not get caught up in the festival
"We need to return to our first love or he'll take the lamp-stand out of the church
"We must keep our eyes on Jesus
"God will save us just before the break of dawn, in the darkest hour
          ("Jesus is called the Bright and Morning Star)
"God does his greatest work in the darkest hour
"The air is pregnant with the promises of God
Click here to listen to the audio

Sunday sermon - Sunday 23 December 2012, at Bay City Outreach Centre, Hastings

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Thursday 20 December 2012

Evidence of your discipleship

A message to you from Mike Connell:
"God is love. Power is just one of the ways he expresses it
"Love gives, not trades
"Jesus gave Judas another chance to come clean
Love is the evidence of our discipleship
Love is practical and focuses on serving, not on position and title
Love is not selective

Loving service uncovers pride
Love is revealed by foot-washing
Two BIG questions

Click here to read the notes or listen to the audio

Evidence of your discipleship - Sunday 16 December 2012, at Bay City Outreach Centre, Hastings

To receive these posts by email, just submit your email address in the "FOLLOW BY EMAIL" to the right of this post and follow the directions.

Friday 9 March 2012


What challenges are you facing?
What habits do you want to conquer?

What is God speaking to you about, now?
How is your time with God?

What are your goals - personal, family, spiritual, business, financial?

What's your wife saying?

What has been prophesied about you?
Does it require action on your part?

"What will I do this year, to break out..." - Mike Connell

What does it mean to be a man in today's world?


Do you agree? How do you need to change your thinking? Your actions?

"God sees destiny, not appearance" - Mike Connell

"Anxiety is evidence of an inferior kingdom" - Andy Mason
  • When do you worry?
  • How do you deal with it?

"Focusing on end-times clogs up the mind. Rather, we should focus on the Kingdom, in preparation for the 1000-year reign." - Bob Hamilton

"Unless your vision costs you something, you have nothing." - Bob Hamilton

"You can't shift the power over a nation until you've shifted the power over yourself." - David Connell

"Jesus did what he saw his Father doing - we should ask Him to see what He's doing." - Ian Clayton

Find your own: Sunday messages, CDs, on the radio, even just chatting to people over smoko can yield some great one-liners!